Timberland Corvette Club

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July 2024 Activities

 Date Activity
 1st Midtown Grill Lunch - Grocery Outlet (donation?) - depart Petco - 11:00am
 6th Winston 4th of July Parade - depart Petco - 9:30am
 10th Graffiti Weekend Kickoff Show - VA - 5:00pm
 11th Retirement & Rest Home Tour - depart Petco - 12:00pm
 12th Lithia Show & Shine - depart Petco - 10:30am
 13th Corvette City - Downtown Jackson St. - Park Cars at - 9:00am
 13th Show & Shine - Melrose Vineyard - Starting at - 8:00am
 15th General Business Meeting - Abby's - come early to order food - 6:00pm
 20th Vettes at Kendall - 8:00am to 2:30pm - depart Petco - 7:30am
 21st Cars & Coffee - depart Petco - 10:30am
 27th Myrtle Creek Parade / Tommy's Show & Shine - leave Petco - 9:00am